We all
know that Christmas is a time for fun, frivolities and excess with family gatherings, endless parties and permanent hangovers. However, with all this comes a certain tension, stress, anxiety and worry. Family gatherings are not always a fun time as people don't see each other that often and spending more time than usual with family members can result in tension, arguments and relationships at breaking point. Here are some tips to help you cope with the festive season and some practical measures on how to maintain health & well-being (not to mention sanity!):

- it is OK to indulge as long as you moderate things. Try healthier options and limit your intake of alcohol or drink plenty of water to compensate
- plan well ahead and be organised - this will avoid you rushing around at the last minute & getting stressed. Write a list if necessary
- delegate some of the chores and tasks - that way, you don't get exhausted and feel disapppointed if you don't achieve what you set out to do. You can't do everything!
- try to fit in some time for yourself during the festive season - such as relaxation, catching up with friends, have a massage, see a film, have some quiet time, read your favourite magazines etc...
- try to fit in some exercise so that you remain physically and mentally robust for the impending hive of activity over the festive season. This will also help you de-stress and help you remain calm
- take some supplements to boost your immunity (such as a good brand multivitamin & mineral supplement and echinacea or ginseng to ward off any colds at this time)
- get plenty of sleep as far as possible as this will help you remain in good health over the busy period
These are just a few tips on how to get through the busy festive period maintaining good health and ens
uring a harmonious environment for all your friends and family throughout Christmas & the New Year. It is a time for celebration and for enjoying all that is good in our lives, cherishing our family and remembering the true meaning of Christmas which is often forgotten at this special time. Remembering to savour all that is good with our loved ones rather than focussing on the bad is a good way forward to really enjoy this season of good will and cheer.