Due to popular demand, I have at long last relented to pressure to finish and release my long-awaited book on herbal medicine in the context of modern living and holistic health. The book provides advice and informative guidance on maintaining optimum good health and well-being. It is aimed at those who are concerned about the indiscrimate use of prescription drugs for a number of common ailments that can be treated and most certainly prevented through natural and alternative methods of treatment including Western herbal medicines, diet and lifestyle changes.
The book offers realistic solutions and advice to the consumer and the modern patient who gives due regard to the constraints of modern living and the holistic approach to treatment and healing. It tackles health for men, women and
children and for our health as we grow older. Consumer concerns are highlighted and common myths about Western herbal remedies are dispelled. Critically, important advice and guidance is also given on the criteria for choosing and buying herbal products, what to look out for and how to seek help for an existing medical condition from a medical herbalist.

Aspects of Integrative Medicine are discussed in relation to herbal medicine, holistic health and modern living as well as examining its concepts and benefits within modern society, and a national framework for healthcare and medicine. It therefore serves as an ideal companion to students embarking on studies in either herbal medicine or medicine generally.
If you are keen to learn and want a greater understanding of your health and well-being, this book will answer all your questions. It will also provide realistic and practical solutions to some of its own questions such as:
- what is good health and what is ill-health?
- how is the body designed to heal and why does it fail us?
- how does modern living cause illness and what can you do to stay fit and healthy?
- how can herbs be used to optimise health and well-being?
- how do you choose the right herbal product?
- what are the A-Z of common ailments and herbal alternatives for each condition?
- how can we improve health essentials including diet, sleep, mood and energy?
With contributions from Dr. Catherine Whitlock, a Science Writer and Research Immunologist, specialising in areas of scientific and medical interest (http://www.catherinewhitlock.co.uk/). After studying for a BSc in Biological Sciences, she trained as an Immunologist, gaining a PhD from the University of London. This was followed by medical research into autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and the intricate pathways of immune cell movements in the human body. She is based in Kent, UK and has recently completed a Diploma in Science Communication.
The foreword is written by the English actress Jenny Seagrove, well known for her screen and theatre performances. More importantly to her, she is a staunch campaigner for animal welfare, the environment and holistic health. This comes from her deep belief that nature is our great teacher and we should work with it and not against it, giving due respect to everything that has life. She is also a 2nd degree reiki practitioner.
The book is on sale now from most major booksellers, from Amazon and from Booklocker.com. Go to http://booklocker.com/books/5243.html to order your copy.