Do we really need any further technological help to add to an over-populated planet? Who will have access to this technology? Will bio-information be used wisely and selectively (if the race to patent the human genome is anything to go by, highly unlikely!). The reality is that only those who can afford such services will be able to access treatment and let's face it, are these the best genes that we want to salvage for the human race - they may regard it as a gift to humanity but personally, I think nature has had the answer all along but continues to be ignored.
I, along with many of my colleagues already have numerous reservations about IVF and previous revolutionary technologies that have gone before in fertility treatments and whilst it has brought infinite joy to millions of infertile couples, no one seems to be bothered enough to tackle the reasons why men and women (some as young as early 20s) are infertile when they should be in the prime of their youth. Surely, this is not a normal or healthy state of affairs?
Certainly, in the UK, the unnecessary pressures and stresses placed upon the 'squeezed middle' classes has already created an unnatural social structure where women are opting to have children later in life (some as late as their 40s!), some deciding to wait until they are financially secure before embarking on starting a family (let's face it, children cost money!) and for some, they are so unhealthy having been subjected to prolonged stints of stress from work that they simply become infertile. I defy anyone to tell me that stress plays no part in adversely influencing the endocrine profile and reproductive function of healthy young individuals, both men and women (and I have seen both in my clinical practice). Of course, what all this means is that on a social scale, it is only those who are at the very top (the uber-rich, aristocracy and landed gentry) and the lower classes (some categorise them as the underclass or those culturally adjusted to not working) who enjoy the luxury of wealth and immorality to be able to procreate with such reckless abandonment) that are actually breeding. One can only despair of the gene pool. To be fair, in the UK, the immigrant population have also benefitted from years of free services from the NHS to further add to the burgeoning UK population. But the UK is only one country and only one example of the increase in population but it is by no means the worst offender in increasing birth rates.

Planet Earth cannot sustain an infinite number of people so what can be done?
By far the easiest and most efficient strategy is through education and technology (namely, access to family planning and contraception). Poorer nations struggle with both, especially women and there is a concerted effort by international campaign groups to address this. Unintended pregnancies remain the biggest problem in such countries and adds to child poverty, famine and disease. Optimistically, the world can gain useful insight into the shining example that is Kerala in India which suffered from all the classic hallmarks of over-population but managed to turn it around through education of their women and providing them access to contraception, something that is often taken for granted in the wealthier nations such as the UK.
Interestingly, given the access to free contraception and family planning services, the UK still has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in Europe and given that children of poorer nations are clamouring to get any kind of education or schooling, the UK has to devise strategies to keep the delinquents in school and the government has recently started to impose fines for truancy. Extraordinary!
Although China once had an over-population problem about 50-60 years ago, their 1-child policy which was implemented around that time, was (and still is) thought to be far too radical and savage which offends our democratic sensibilities. However, the actions taken then have worked and what we see today is a sustainable population, substantial economic growth and wealth that is perhaps the envy of many other nations? A coercive policy such as this may not work in many countries but why wait until this is the only option available? We can do something now but it requires a global effort, immense political will and a change in mindset from arrogance that we as humans have a right to breed to that of every conception being a blessing. We as humans have also neglected the rights of other species and it we continue on this trajectory of birth rates, human activity alone will spell disaster for biodiversity which has suffered irreversibly already with extinction of so many species on a catastrophic scale. All this, in addition to significant loss of some of our important natural ecosystems (think slash & burn activities of the Amazonian rainforests).
And what of subsistence economies where children are regarded as a pension especially in remote and rural communities? Again, policy and incentives that enable individuals to be better supported in old age will certainly help. But in the meantime, we have to tackle and eradicate the corrupt leaders of our nations that support global companies that place profit above humanity and greed above morality. Moreover, we have to rein in the religious rhetoric about abortion and anti-contraception. Introduce a 2-child policy (or better still, a 1-child policy).
What is shocking however is that even some of the big environmental charities and campaign groups such as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, World Wildlife Fund and Oxfam (to name but a few) do not support the tackling of over-population as they believe that the Earth is capable of supporting this increase in world population through technology. And whilst they may be right regarding technology saving the day, what state will the world be in by then? If ever there was a counter argument to technology, it would be food production - yes, we have the technology to produce enough food to feed the entire world population; no-one should be starving in the 21st century but the problem remains with one of distribution (corrupt & greedy governments, leaders and food manufacturers will always scupper this drive). All such campaign groups seen to shy away from discussing over-population, an issue which is so glaringly obvious to the rest of us. I cannot fathom this at all especially if they have seen the figures on human impact on Earth and have done the sums. Are they so blinkered, they cannot see the impending avalanche on the horizon?

For more information, please visit: Population Matters (previously The Optimum Population Trust) www.populationmatters.org (UK charity) or Sustainable Population Australia www.population.org.au/ (Australian national organisation).