About this time of year, I usually get many queries on allergies, particularly hayfever. However, hayfever falls into the category of atopic allergy (of which eczema and asthma are others) so in discussing herbal rememdies for hayfever, one really needs to start by looking at allergies on the whole.
Flower pollen is a common cause of seasonal
allergies, particularly hayfever (allergic rhinitis) |
Whenever discussing this
problem, it is firstly important to define what an allergy is compared to the more common intolerance. With an increasing
incidence of both conditions, many people can become confused about their symptoms which can make the
identification process of the cause
or trigger that much more difficult. In short, an allergy is an immune response
to a range of things from certain foods, pollens, pets, synthetic chemicals to prescription drugs, the living environment and toiletries to name but a
few. The herbal approach is to initially identify the
causative agent (referred to as allergen) and to offer comprehensive and
practical advice on eliminating it or avoiding it as far as possible. The
holistic aspect of treatment will examine the
immune system (after all, allergy is very much an immune response) and making a
thorough review of gut function. Often, many patients who are prone to
allergies have a leaky gut – this means that food substances (including some
waste material) pass directly through the
gut wall into the tissues and spaces
within the gut cavity, rather than being absorbed into the
bloodstream. This has disastrous consequences for the
health, not only because of possible toxic burden but also because the immune system can get to the
point where it cannot cope. Combined with poor digestive function, imbalance in
the gut flora, stress and other illnesses can put a heavy strain on the body resulting in immune breakdown.
Firstly, cutting out trigger
foods such as dairy and wheat for example can reduce the
symptoms significantly as they are
known allergens. Preparing the
ground for proper gut function is very important. Bitter herbs such as gentian
or wormwood will improve digestive function as well as taking some probiotics
(depending on the severity of the allergy) to boost gut flora. This will ensure
that any toxic burden is reduced to a minimum because the
gut will be able to fend off any invasion of potential allergens ingested from
food. Examining digestive patterns is also critical as this will determine
possible causes in cases where the
allergen has not yet been identified.
The next step is to address the immune function and boost this system which has
probably become overburdened with the
toxic triggers on a regular basis. Herbs such as echinacea, marigold or ginseng
will all boost the immune system.
After this, the traditional allergy
herbs such as nettle, eyebright, elderflowers, ephedra and chamomile will all
address the various symptoms of
allergy such as inflammation, watery and itch eyes and sneezing etc… and
supplements such as quercetin and omega 3 essential fatty acids will replenish the system with the
important nutrients. Supplements of butterbur (petasites) has shown favourable
results in trials but sadly, now removed from sale due to concerns over liver toxicity/damage. A herbalist should be able to make a comprehensive review of
each case and work out an individual dietary plan with specific herbal
treatments for the allergy in
This is also called allergic
rhinitis and much of the same
treatment approaches apply as in allergies (see above). However, a consultation with a
herbalist is strongly advised so that an individual treatment plan can be
worked out and to identify which pollens are the
culprits in each case.
Symptomatic Approach to Treatment
throat, blocked nose, catarrh
& lemon, oils of eucalyptus, menthol, peppermint and cajeput
(inhalation), licorice
of clove, menthol and eucalyptus oils
& migraines
tablets, willow bark tablets
blocked ears or sinuses
oil, mullein, echinacea, goldenseal
Specific Help for Allergic Rhinitis
Petasites or butterbur (no longer available for sale or use),
echinacea, eyebright, chamomile, quercitin supplements
For further information, contact the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy (http://www.phytotherapists.org/) or the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (http://www.nimh.org.uk/).