In a climate of recession, many are facing a number of difficulties. Stress and anxiety are common symtoms, not exclusive to the current economic climate. Most people woul

d not consider it 'rocket science' to work out that whatever factor is causing them stress (called the stressor) could also be making them ill. However, due to the body's remarkable capacity to cope with stress, this connection between the stressor and symptoms is not always so glaringly obvious. There are many causes of stress including work, relationships with family or partner, financial anxiety, threat of redundancy, increased workloads etc... Insi
dious and subtle manifestations are difficult to diagnose but very often, examining the wider influences on the person and identifying any contributory factors will make diagnosis and treatment that much more effective.
Common stress-related symptoms:
headache (computer overuse, worry, eye strain)
sinusitis (infection of the sinuses - reduced immune defences)
recurring colds (reduced defences due to prolonged & sustained stress)
palpitations (anxiety - a number of different causes)
skin problems (stress, anxiety, worry)
hair loss (worry, anxiety, stress, poor diet, hormonal influences)
Much of the work of herbalists involves examining stress and addressing symptoms of stress within a holistic context. Herbs can be a powerful and effective remedy. Examining lifestyle choices (diet, exercise, recreational pursuits, relaxation techniques, hobbies etc..
.) can gi
ve real meaning to lives of patients so that they are empowered to make improvements so that they can achieve a sustainable and manageable work-life balance.
Contact for more advice on herbal remedies for tackling stress or the Federation of Holistic Therapists ( for other supportive therapies in coping with stress-related symptoms and general holistic counselling.