In the
context of the recent swine flu pandemic, many are concerned about their own susceptibility to the infection and have sought help in boosting their own immunity and defence against the illness. Of course, swine flu is just one of a host of infections that anyone can get if the immune system is deficient and is poor at combating infection and disease.

The onset of Autumn is a great time to give the body a proper MOT and to ensure that it is in tip-top condition to fight off the many ailments that are common at this time of year. Without resorting to radical drugs and fad diets, there are a variety of therapies, treatments and supplements that can help regain the natural balance through alternative methods towards optimum health and vitality. Detoxifying the body is the perfect way to begin in preparing the body for the many stresses and strains of winter. Eliminating the many impurities and toxins that have accumulated in the body throughout the year will ease congestion and can clear the way for improved immune responses. This will increase resistance to infections (eg. coughs, colds, sniffles, chill etc...) at a particularly vulnerable time for all of us. Herbs such as dandelion and milk thistle are excellent for liver health; the liver being a main organ of detoxification. These herbs can help repair some of the damage done to the liver cells and help protect the organ against further damage. Other herbs such as artichoke will assist with digestion, particularly if a high fat diet is proving difficult to digest. Improving bowel elimination with herbal laxatives such as rhubarb or senna can help in more advanced cases and will help in the detox process. However, it is not sensible to continue taking herbal laxatives on any long-term basis as it will make the bowel lazy and will lead to a worsening of the problem with added complications. Seek proper advice from a herbalist and a nutritionist before self-medicating as it is always best to improve digestion and go on a detox through making effective changes in poor dietary habits.
Seek help by contacting a herbalist ( and a nutritionist ( for more specific help with herbal medicines, herbal supplements, diet and nutrition.
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