Butter is made from the cream that rises to the top if milk is allowed to sit for a time. Butter is made by churning cream. This causes a chemical reaction that causes the cream to harden slightly, giving it the buttery consistency. Certified raw butter is a fabulous fat that contains a number of natural fatty acids that are excellent for the body. Butter is an excellent source of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, E and K. These are not found to any degree in margarine. The vitamin content of butter varies seasonally, depending on the diet of the animals from which it is derived.Also, butter does not contain trans-fatty acids or toxic metals, hopefully, such as nickel and cadmium. Butter contains some milk solids, giving it a whitish color. Ghee or clarified butter does not contain the milk solids. Dr. Weston Price identified a factor in butter that is essential for proper growth and development of the bone structure. He called it 'activator X' or ‘factor X’ and wrote about it in his book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Dr. Price was able to reverse severe tooth decay in children by feeding them one meal a day of highly nutritious food - including butter.Although many people are sensitive to cow’s milk dairy products, often butter is well-tolerated. This is because butter is almost a pure fat, and does not contain many of the allergens found in other milk products. For example, it does not contain milk protein (casein) or milk sugar (lactose). These are two highly allergenic components of some dairy products. Butter made from raw (unpasteurized) cream is available in some areas. It the best quality butter available next to making it from your own cow.
Ghee, also called clarified butter, is a product used extensively in India and some other nations. It is just butter with the milk solids removed. As a result, it is clear in color and has less of a buttery taste. Ghee is made by gently heating butter just a little, until the white-colored milk solids separate. These are skimmed off, leaving ghee. Ghee has certain advantages over butter, specifically for cooking. Without the milk solids, ghee will not burn as easily, and can be heated to a higher temperature as a result. Ghee is also a little more yang than butter. These are its main advantages, as far as I know. If you are not going to cook with butter, or if you don’t care if it burns a little, then making or buying ghee is probably not important. Butter, in fact, has a few advantages over ghee. The milk solids contain some added nutrients, which are lost when one makes it into ghee.
The observations of many natural health practitioners indicate that a balanced body chemistry is the key to normalizing cholesterol. Dr. William Koch, MD, an eminent physician, wrote: "Cholesterol ... is no problem when the oxidations are efficient and diet is sensible. In all our observations, high levels drop ... it steadies to a good normal when the oxidations are re-established to normal." (Normal oxidations refers to the efficient burning of food and the generation of adequate energy from food. Most cholesterol is manufactured within the body. A maximum of about 4% of all cholesterol comes from the diet. Cholesterol is the raw material for the adrenal stress hormones and the sex hormones. The body often reacts to stress by producing more cholesterol. This allows the body to make more stress-fighting hormones. As biochemical stress is reduced through a scientific nutrition program, cholesterol levels often decrease without the need for restrictive diets. In fact, eating some animal products often helps balance body chemistry. In these instances, cholesterol levels or the cholesterol/HDL ratio improves, although the diet contains cholesterol-containing foods.
In general, fast oxidizers can and should eat more butter and other quality fatty foods. Their faster metabolism handles the fats and oils very well. These foods have a calming, relaxing effect on their metabolism. We say these people are like cars with 8 or 10-cylinder engines. They burn more calories and thrive on higher-calorie foods, particularly fats and oils. It they do not eat them, they will crave carbohydrates, the other ‘fuel’ food. “True” fast oxidizers, those whose body chemistry is actually in fast oxidation, usually have low cholesterol levels. Today, however, many people whose hair mineral analysis indicates fast oxidation are only “temporary” fast oxidizers. This means they will quickly change to slower oxidizers when their bodies are properly supported nutritionally. These people usually do not do as well on more butter and other fats, although some is fine. Even those with slow oxidation rates, however, can eat some butter unless they are sensitive to it. Butter is an excellent overall food for everyone at all ages. Read my earlier post on the benefits of getting the correct types of fats: http://yaso-shan.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/the-fats-of-life.html
The argument for eating margarine and other products containing hydrogenated oils are their lack of cholesterol. Margarine is also less expensive than butter. However, margarine often contains poor-quality, refined, artificially saturated vegetable oil. It also contains harmful trans-fatty acids, and often residues of toxic metals such as nickel and cadmium. It does not contain many nutrients at all. Butter, by contrast, is a natural food and one of the best sources of important fat-soluble vitamins. You will pay more for butter, but nutritionally and for its purity, it is well worth it. In the original trials carried out by drug firms, only one in 10,000 patients given statins suffered a minor side-effect. But among 150,000 patients in a "real world" study – people who had been routinely given statins by their GP – 20% had side-effects that were so unacceptable to them that they stopped taking the pills, including muscle pains, stomach upsets, sleep and memory disturbance, and erectile dysfunction.
Neither Public Health England nor the British Heart Foundation agreed with Malhotra's argument. Peter Weissberg, medical director at the British Heart Foundation, said: "Studies on the link between diet and disease frequently produce conflicting results because, unlike drug trials, it's difficult to undertake a properly controlled, randomised study. However, people with highest cholesterol levels are at highest risk of a heart attack and it's clear that lowering cholesterol, by whatever means, lowers risk."
"Cholesterol levels can be influenced by many factors including diet, exercise and drugs, in particular statins. There is clear evidence that patients who have had a heart attack, or who are at high risk of having one, can benefit from taking a statin. But this needs to be combined with other essential measures, such as eating a balanced diet, not smoking and taking regular exercise."
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