One of the points he made which is important as it is a keystone of many arguments put out by the Establishment is the difference between thermal and non-thermal radiation.
Official studies and statistics frequently measure thermal values - in other words the amount a body heats up when using a device. This is not a valid measure because a body only heats up in ionising radiation, and microwave radiation (ie mobile phones, tablets, WiFi and smart devices etc) is non-ionising, and non-thermal.
So when you do your own research - and I urge you to do this - please ensure that the facts and figures you are looking act refer to non-thermal, non-ionising radiation. He pointed out, quite rightly, the question of insurance cover and EMFs.
The following quote from CFC Underwriting Ltd the UK agent for Lloyds of London comes from the Environmental Health Trust website:

In the cases where a mobile mast is erected on a building - a church steeple, a school, a sports hall - it is the owner of the building who would be liable for any insurance claims for sickness due to the emissions of the mast, rather than the telecoms companies who actually own them.
5G: This is a big, important topic in its own right but in brief, 5G stands for 5th generation (following on from 3G and 4G). It is 10 times faster than 4G, which makes it very good for moving huge amounts of data at very high speed (financial transactions, downloading movies etc).
This is the world of the so-called Internet of Things and Virtual Reality as well as driverless cars, smart motorways and so on. It works in the bandwidth 246Hz - 90GHz (varies slightly by location).
5G uses MIMO - Massive Input, Massive Output. Far more ports or transmitters are needed for this huge amount of data: where 4G towers had 12 ports, 5G towers have 100 ports. And, along the route, lots of mini base stations are needed, boosters if you will, to help all this data on its way. These need to be placed every few meters - this is why you are hearing talk of a cell or transmitter on every lamp-post.
The signals also need to travel clear of interference, and it is this that has led to accusations that so many perfectly healthy trees in Sheffield (and other places) were chopped down, as the fluttering leaves would get in the way.
It is also being said that these same wavelengths have been / are being “weaponised” by certain agencies and governments, with the implication that installation of so many little transmitters will allow for the lamp posts to become transmitters of lethal beams. Do your own research, draw your own conclusions on this.
With regard to 5G, the main health risks are:
- DNA single and double strand breaks
- oxidative damage
- disruption of the cell metabolism
- increased blood brain permeability
- reduction in melatonin levels

- turn off the wireless router at night, along with all WiFi gadgets
- have a corded land line phone, not a cordless one
- don’t have a smart meter
- when using your mobile phone, don’t hold it next to your ear, use the speaker phone
- keep your mobile phone charged: the harder it has to work to pick up a signal, the more of the nasty stuff it throws out
- keep your mobile phone away from your body (ie not stuffed down your bra or in your trouser pocket)
- don’t have your mobile phone on your bedside table or under your pillow at night.
- if you need an alarm clock - go buy one, an old-fashioned one, not a digital one.
- wire in your laptop and printer; have a wired mouse and keyboard, not WiFi
- don’t put your laptop on your lap; don’t rest your tablet or your mobile on your baby bump.
- www.ukradiation.co.uk
- www.es-uk.info ElectroSensitivity UK, charity providing practical help and advice
- www.radiationresearch.org charity focusing on research and science in the EMF field
- www.mobilewise.org mainly on mobile phones, as the name suggests
- www.powerwatch.org.uk run by technical people providing technical but accessible info
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